given the current trend of political upheaval swirling the minds of the populace, the migration of people in one certain location have made life much easier, more bearable. These people (including yours truly) have found themselves retreating in cyberspace, with the hopes that this political nightmare will vanish into oblivion. And so the doors were swung open for bloggers. Constant chatter is the name of the game. Blogging has become a part of our consumer-driven lives. Our minds have become intertwined, blurring any borderlines that prevent us from interacting with others. This has become an avenue to contemplate on our experiences, vent out our frustrations, disappointments, points of view and numerous other vexations. It has become an integral part of our existence, a modern-day diary. An escape from a world of lies and deceit.
Anything and everything can happen here. It's your call, you play the game, you make the rules. Even people who aren't fond of expressing themselves have jumped into the bandwagon. If this was a looney bin, it certainly is a happy one! Any addition to a good source of laughter, tears and the like are very much appreciated. I guess what makes this group so unique is the fact that you can be downright silly (or serious) and not lose an audience. People read what you have to say; may it be an embarrassing experience, a sad moment or an exuberant, 5 minutes of fame. I'd say this is the ultimate modern version of a cuckoo's nest. Welcome to the club!