sure there are a lot of things in our current job that we might be bitchy about. This always happens when we feel that we are stuck in a rut somehow. We always whine about our workload, deadlines, bosses and all. It seems that we are missing out on something and we get envious of other people's achievements that we aspire to become one of them someday or in the near future. But how about those people who are not lucky enough to land their dream job? We might think we are never given the best opportunities out there, but what about them? Here are some examples of what could be considered the WORST JOBS :
1) telemarketers - since I am in the BPO industry, I could very well understand and sympathize with these type of salespersons. It is a thankless job and if you happen to be a telemarketer, you would readily admit that 95% of the entire population hates you ~ for bugging them, calling them endlessly, asking for their personal information, trying your mightiest to patronize whatever products you're trying to sell them. What could be worse than convincing people to buy stuff they would never have any use of anyway?
2) store clerks doing demos - I'm sure you've seen them in the mall with their mock set up-slash-worktable with the numerous kitchen/home gadgets spread out. It's like watching one of those infomercials ~ only you see it live. They show you how to remove stains from clothes, carpet, rugs, etc. They show you simple kitchen recipes done in minutes or kitchen remedies for that matter. They'll teach you how to operate a miniature vacuum cleaner, a sawing machine, a blender, a meat grinder/fruit-slicer, etc. And all this time, you see them doing it all day, saying the same spiel over and over again~ even when there's no one watching at all. And yet there they are, standing in the same spot the entire time, doing their miserable job.
3) promodizers - from my understanding, they're the ones who are stationed at supermarkets, holding a sample of their products, convincing you to try their brand. As mentioned above, they do their work standing all day, dressed in those colorful outfits ~ the same color of their products' packaging, I might add. I have one funny incident involving them recently. I was doing my grocery shopping and these two girls/promodizers from competing brands pounced on one hapless 'victim'. While the customer was talking to the other lady, this girl from the other brand interrupted the conversation rather rudely and proceeded to 'hard sell' the hapless customer. In the end, the customer was swayed to buy the other girl's brand ~ to the detriment of the other lady. Oh she was fuming mad and started lecturing the other girl that she wasn't trained that way~ to steal other people's customer. The other girl was just amused and took it in stride, she got the sale anyway. Talk about competition.
4) security guards - they risk their life and limb for a measly salary, and they're not even properly trained to handle difficult situations like robbery or theft. They merely stand at the entrance of a commercial establishment looking bored, most of the time distracted, and sometimes they merely sleep at their jobs. Their primary function is to open doors to customers entering/exiting the establishment and greet them with 'good morning maam, sir/thank you for coming maam, sir'.
So you see, we have a lot to be thankful for, for not ending up with a job that would surely bore you to tears ~ or will kill you...
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