there should be an effective law in this country which prohibits cigarette smokers from smoking in public places (including sidewalks along Edsa and other commuting stations). Everyday when I go to work, I always encounter people (mostly men) who puffs a smoke on their way to their respective jobs without a care in the world. They are not aware that the person behind them/beside them/nearby is already inhaling the toxic emanating from their cheap cigarettes. These individuals do not seem to know the trouble they cause for second-hand smokers who bear the brunt of this disgusting habit-- or they simply couldn't care less. I do not like the smell of it sticking to my clothes so early in the morning when I'm off to work. I care about what and how I look when I go to work and the last thing I want is to smell bad when my day hasn't even started yet. I don't have a problem per se with smokers, it's just that I wish they could be a little bit more considerate of others. I wouldn't be surprised if I develop lung cancer by the time I reach the age of 40-- what with all the second-hand smoking that I'm getting! Just imagine, you try to live a clean life and yet you end up acquiring the same lung diseases as them smokers. How ironic!
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